

  • 人口: 12,802,023
  • % of US 人口: 3.9304%

  • State E-Waste Program

    Producer Responsibility Program

  • Landfill/Disposal Ban

    伊利诺斯州 has a ban on computers, 笔记本电脑, computer monitors, televisions and printers that became effective 1/1/2012.

  • Program Website
  • 项目类型

    Manufacturer Operated Program

  • 快速的总结

    Manufacturers of covered electronic devices (CEDs) are required to implement a recycling and reuse plan to recover eligible electronic devices from 伊利诺斯州 residences. Manufacturers have a recycling obligation based on their sales during the previous calendar year(s).

  • Manufacturers

    电脑, 笔记本电脑, Computer Monitors, 打印机, 电视, Electronic Keyboards, 传真机, 录象机, Portable Digital Music Players, DVD播放器, Video Game Consoles, Small Scale Servers, 扫描仪, Electronic Mice, Digital Converter Boxes, Cable Receivers, Satellite Receivers, dvr

  • Important Deadlines
  • Eligible Products

    电脑, 笔记本电脑, Computer Monitors, 打印机, 电视, Electronic Keyboards, 传真机, 录象机, Portable Digital Music Players, DVD播放器, Video Game Consoles, Small Scale Servers, 扫描仪, Electronic Mice, Digital Converter Boxes, Cable Receivers, Satellite Receivers, dvr, Mobile Telephones, Computer Cables, pda, Zip驱动器

  • Eligible Entities to Collect From


  • Recycling Obligation

    40% by weight of sales for 2012; 50% by weight sale for 2013 and each year thereafter

  • Convenience Requirements


  • Recycler Requirements

    Must register, pay registration fee, and submit an annual report to the 伊利诺斯州 EPA.

  • Collector Requirements

    Must register and submit an annual report to the 伊利诺斯州 EPA.

  • Link to 立法
  • Link to Regulations


  • 国家机构

    伊利诺斯州 Environmental Protection Agency

  • 国家机构 联系(s)