

  • 人口: 623,657
  • % of US 人口: 0.1915%

  • State E-Waste Program

    Producer Responsibility Program

  • Landfill/Disposal Ban

    佛蒙特州 has a ban on computers, 笔记本电脑, 电脑显示器, 打印机, computer peripherals, 电视, personal electronics (PDA, personal music player), electronic game consoles, 传真机, 手机, 电话, answering machines, 录象机, DVD播放器, digital converter boxes, 音响设备, and power supply cord (as used to charge electronic devices) that became effective 1/1/2011.

  • 项目网站
  • 项目类型

    State Operated Program

  • 快速的总结

    Under the 佛蒙特州 E-Waste Law, manufacturers of covered electronic devices (CEDs) have the option of participating in a collection, 运输, and recycling plan for e-waste through either a state-run standard plan or their own individual opt-out plan. Management of the state-run standard plan is conducted by a 佛蒙特州 DEC approved organization. 制造商 implementing an individual opt-out plan must follow specific guidelines for their plan and are responsible for recycling their market share percentage of the overall statewide recycling goal. 收藏家, 转运蛋白, and in-state recyclers must all submit a registration form in order to participate in either the standard plan or an individual opt-out plan.

  • 制造商

    Computers, Laptops, Computer Monitors, Printers, Televisions

  • Important Deadlines
    • 计划一年

      January 1st - December 31st

    • 注册日期


    • 注册表单


    • 注册费

      7月1日到期. Invoiced by the 佛蒙特州 DEC and based on market share of the costs of administering the state-run program.

    • Recycling Plan Due Date


    • Recycling Plan Form


    • 报告日期

      December 1 (Annual)

    • 报告的形式


  • 合格的产品

    Computers, Laptops, Computer Monitors, Printers, Televisions, Computer Peripherals

  • Eligible Entities to Collect From

    Household, charity, school district in the state, or small business (=10 FTEs)

  • Recycling Obligation


  • Convenience Requirements


  • Recycler Requirements
    Must register and apply under the organization approved by the 佛蒙特州 DEC. 必须, 至少, R2 certified and comply with the “Procedure for the Environmentally Sound Management of Electronic Devices for 收藏家, 转运蛋白, 和回收”.
  • Collector Requirements

    Must register and submit annual reports if collecting e-waste in 佛蒙特州.

  • Link to 立法
  • Link to Regulations
  • 国家机构

    佛蒙特州 Department of Environmental Conservation

  • 国家机构 联系(s)